Sunday, November 20, 2011

These Days

Never seem to have the time or desire to blog these days, too much work, not enough family time.  However have kicked myself up the bum and am making moves to re-align myself.  Today is a glorious Sunday, bright skies, red and yellow leaves fluttering past my office door. 

Woke at dawn and plodded out into the garden with Herbal Tea in my Mother Christmas dressing gown (thanks Kate).  Looked at the view and could hardly take it in for all its beauty, quickly got into a busy mode and cleaned my office, made pate for supper tonight and tidied up.  Went and bought Foccacia and Sciacata to go with pate (carrots and apples for me the saddo gluten free one).  Now off to lunch with friends, I hope to re-visit my blog when time allows. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello Sharon

    So nice ot meet you~!

    I too have been through the blog slump, writers cramp and all....I figured that this is my journal and hopefully oneday my kiddies will thank me. Not too long ago blogger deleted my blog. I was horrified and desperately fought to get it back. I have written for over 4/5 years now. They cancelled it by mistake. I thought 'what a lesson from the Gods!' Won't be complaining about posting ever again! So, I humbly write a post every now and again to give thanks. As for my home, I do have help now and again to get the dust under control and just by the way, in the lounge not tooo far from that Christmas tree photgraph, lies 3 children slumped over my light linen couches (with dirty feet), eating and dropping crumbs. Not always a perfect picture....

    Have a great day
    Warm regards
