- We can reach for a large jug of water and take note of how the clear liquid restores and revives as we take sips or even gulps
- We can stretch our limbs and feel our muscles lengthening then relaxing
- Spend 5 minutes writing to an old friend or relative, not typing, actually using our hands, weird feeling folding a note, placing it in an envelope and sealing within (ritualistic)
- Smooth the dog or cat or other animal whom you share your life with, very restful action giving love to someone who adores you no matter how grumpy you may feel
- breathe - deeply, slowly and intentionally
- Plant seeds, even with no energy I dragged myself into the garden and planted pot after pot of seeds this week
- make a cake, the action of weighing, stirring and baking chills me out
- Planning a trip - whoopy daydreaming up a plan of escape big or small, dreams are what life is made from
- Soup, chopping and stirring, heating and eating, so relaxing even when tired
- 5 minutes of clearing the decks, just the simple small stuff that grates on the nerves
- Heartfelt hugs, you can never have or give enough to those you love, life is often to swift
After all, the small stuff is what makes a big difference... to me at any rate xx