Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Bloody Health

Fed up.  I have so many things that need doing including proposals for work, overdue features and the house is overflowing with dog fur and dust.

Spent this afternoon at the hospital booking in for more bloody tests to determine what Immunity Disorder I have, how to live with it and how to treat it!  I will be admitted in Feb for a couple of days which is a bummer, if your immunity is low, then visiting a hospital is like entering a dangerzone.  In the meantime I am coping with over 30 mouth ulcers and a sense of humour failure!  On top of my being a grump, I feel guilty for feeling blue as there are so many people in far worse situations around the world right now and I am moaning about dust!

Any how - I spent 1 hour speaking Italian to the specialist then an 1 hour with TT's teachers so am pleased with my language progress at least, although with the poorly mouth I sound like I am pissed - I would like to be actually.  On the bright side, the kitten who yesterday risked death by falling asleep in the engine of our neighours van is totally OK but very spooked, when Gianni turned on the engine the cat shot out from inside the bonnet - Romy is now on 8 lives!

Spent last night writing a huge list of vegan and gluten free recipes for me to try once I feel like eating again, I am simply just taking honey and lemon and camomile tea at the moment as cannot chew or swallow well.  I am determined to boost my immune system with diet - I am looking into the daylight diet and going partially raw, but I do love warm food on cold days.  Food and cooking is such a big part being me, growing it, preparing it, sharing it etc...........  I hate restricting my diet but I will do ANYTHING to regain my health.

Kids in the bath and Babo watching over them whilst ironing - yes he does that too, mostly because I don't.  We share all the chores and childcare as we work together in the business and he has higher standards than I do on the housekeeping front so can't leave things long - wheras I can.   Things I am looking forward to..

Light mornings
Clear skies
Budding flowers
Cherry Blossom
The Sea
Green grass
Peaches on the tree
Eating outside
Open windows
Roasted Mushrooms
Balmy evenings
Long walks
Reading in the garden


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