Monday, November 16, 2009

Warm winter days

Just got back from a work trip to the UK and was distressed at how grey and gloomy it was. Loads of really agressive people in the towns screaming at kids in buggies, chain smoking teenagers with pregnant bumps in school uniform. I don't want to generalise about age or methods of bringing up kids but where is the love, the passion, the tranquillity, the harmony, the togetherness? I read a blog of a teenage Mum and she shows perfectly that you can be a loving mother whatever your age but why are there so many women in the UK who seem to treat their own health so badly. Queues outside Mc........, overloads of salt, dirty streets and shouting families. OK so I am not a realist and happily live in a little countryside bubble, but surely your average family must care about what they eat and how they behave or maybe there is simply no hope. Maybe I was having a negative week and all these people that I saw behaving in such outwardly awful ways are truly good inside and just need a break..... I am not so sure. I don't want to be judgemental but I really feel that some people have simply lost track on simple happiness and caring for each other.
Anyhow after the culture shock of real life in Devon and Somerset I am back to Tuscany and working hard but must make time to do some Christmassy things. Cakes, cookies, tags, papers and make some gifts, thought I would have a bash at candles this year.

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