I really truly believe that you can get a anything you want in life, just be careful what you wish for. For a while I have wanted a cat again, my old boy died over a year ago, so I have been thinking about getting a kitten and how we could avoid my husband's allergy to felines. Today a friend called to say that the vet near Siena had a bunch of scruffy kittens that needed homes. On Monday we should be able to bring one home, I will but an old armchair in the cantina (shed) and he can be a freerange cat like 'Sack' used to be.
Wishes - I want to get chickens, a friend is helping me set this up and our landlord is helping us build a chicken run. I want to be more self sufficient - I now have a cupboard of tomato sauces and chutneys. I wanted more time with my children, I am there everyday after school now, I wanted to follow a dream and move to Italy and write books. I am living in Tuscany writing magazines and the books are brewing.
Where am I heading with this rambling... Basically through sheer stubbornness and the power of really wanting something I have done alot in the last two years. With no money, no great plan just lots of enthusiasm we are doing what we wanted. So I am sending out some positive energy to all those people who still feel a long long way from their dream, remember some of this is down to how you view things.
I have very little money at the moment - but you can't own the view, the seasons, the smell of autumn, the sound of my children's laughter anyway, so really I am as rich as I will ever be as I have so many things that are utterly priceless.
Today the sun is shining, the old dog is snoring in the old chair, the kids are playing, we have chicken (Bat Wing Stew) for supper and are getting a little christmassy already, yes there will be work, finances and normal daily struggles but really I am content to be living this life full of crazy hair raising ups and slip slidey downs. Off to hunt for rosehips now in the chilly hills above Siena, in my ancient woolly sweater and stripey legwarmers........... the kids are horrified!