Thursday, October 8, 2009

Gentle Reminders

Am reading a wonderful book full to the brim of Tuscan joy. It is reminding me of why we are here, the things we wanted to do, be a part of etc Lots of recipes and references to the seasons and cooking. I am now planning to without fail take one morning a week to indulge myself in markets, architecture, food, culture and living and not get sucked into working the standard 10 hour days at my desk for little or no additional benefit. Yes the book is a little trite in places and makes me cringe in others but it has proved a wonderful kick up the bum to get on out there again. Check out 'Under a Tuscan Sun'

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it wonderful when someone else's words, or life, confirms your own chocies? Or gives you a boost?

    Good on you for taking time to experience the lovliness.
