I have been busy today making a cooked breakfast and a salmon pie for supper for dh as today is his birthday and later we are off iceskating in Siena followed by a concert at a beautiful castle near here. Despite the ongoing festivities my mind is elsewhere - drifting into spring, warmer days, warm breezes to dry our clothes, sunny mornings full of birdsong and promise. In reality I need to organise my home so that I feel less stressed and can function more easily. Drying clothes at the moment is hell with no heating and constant rain - any wise ideas?
My plans for reorganisation are:
Structure my week and have set hours for each work project with deadlines that I keep (I am a PR and writer)
Sort out the kids room and get some better storage - baskets and boxes
Sort our towels and beddings into manageable heaps - no idea how other Mum's stay on top of this one
Have a weekly me night where I do girly twirly things like nails (rubbish at this one - always look like a gardener)
Wood pile - collect kindling and wood on daily dog walks
Get seeds in pots in readiness for the plot
Design the veg plot better as watering was hell last year
The office - agggggghhhh, somehow get some simple orderly systems in place
Painting - the whole house needs a lick of paint especially the bathroom and kids room
Books - ask dh to make some books shelves as we are looking like 'Black Books' at the moment
Cleaning - set up some kind of weekly system as I always feel so glum when we have tumbleweeds of dog hair rolling through the house
Time for us - make time once a month for just the two of us to wind down
Smell the roses - make myself stop and stare and take in the air
Enjoy the good and the bad the happy and the sad.....
Any advice on housekeeping most welcome as generally I dream of having an orderly home but have yet to find out how.. I love my life full of childrens laughter and animals and nature but sometimes a little structure might come in handy...
The kids are looking forward to TT's 5th birthday on Tuesday and the Befana celebrations on the 6th...... (infor from the web) Befana La Festa dell'Epifania (Epiphany - the 12th Night of Christmas) 6 January 2009. This festival is almost more popular among Italian children than Christmas itself. La Befana is a character in Italian folklore, similar to Santa Claus, who visits all the children of Italy on the eve of 6 January to fill their socks with sweets if they are good or a lump of coal if they are bad. The family typically leaves a small glass of wine and a plate with a few local specialities for Befana. During the day, many children dress up as Befana and visit the neighbourhood in the hope of receiving a small gift of money or sweets. Some of the costumes are astonishingly good and should be suitably rewarded. A popular market, the Fiera della Befana, takes place each year between Christmas and the Epiphany in Piazza Navona in the centre of Rome, where toys, sugar charcoal and candies are sold for the Roman children. In the areas north of Lucca, groups of singers still go door to door singing befanate.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Too much of everything
Too many presents, too much chocolate, too many films, far too many clashing personalities, too little peace, far too much rain, too many late nights, too many overdue deadlines, too much longing for spring, too many capricorns, too much unused energy and of course far too many 'too manies'. A glass of wine, a sofa and a fireside beckons, tomorrow is another day - and another birthday at that!
Memories of summer
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The way things are
Sometimes it is important to remember we simply cannot control every element of our lives. I have always tried to be on top of work, the home, the kids the garden, money etc, sometimes failing terribly but often keeping going on a slightly wonky even keel, but now when a health problem appears and takes over a huge amount of your energy it seems a clear sign to take a step back and just go with the flow.
This Christmas has been very relaxed, low key and inexpensive. We have decided though that on some levels we are simply going through the motions, seeing the people we always have and not looking more deeply into ourselves and noticing what each of us wants from this time of year.
Next year we have all decided to do something different and funfilled, full of energy and life, nature and laughter, so we hope to go skiing to a tiny resort two hours from here, none of us have done this before but the kids are v.keen and the idea of spending the days being out in the fresh air doing something new followed by nights cosied up together would be so magical.
I have always loved this time of year, but I feel a little different this year, maybe because I am not in peak health, but I already yearn for the spring bulbs, the light mornings and the balmy evenings, the daffodils are in progress here and the tiny bulbs are poking through the earth but the veggi patch is devoid of life..........must make a start.
The last few days have been full of togetherness - lots of sqaubbles, but much doing stuff side by side. Homework alongside painting. Cooking while chatting and watching playful kittens, Old films and good wine, snuggled up nights and lazy mornings. Thursday is Babo's birthday so we are off to Siena to go iceskating, but for now some pics of our Buon Natale for you to enjoy - Italy is magical in every season, but Christmas is very, very special x
Things that are so special:
The Nativity scenes in the churches which move and capture the hearts of the children
The lights in the medieval streets of the old towns
The handknitted presents from Grandma
The open fire warming hands and souls
The chestnut flour which I am experimenting with (gnochhi today)
The endless scenes of hilltops and mountains
Befane - the tradition here is that Befane comes on 6th January
My dh tackling the mound of ironing
The crazy busy markets bustling with life
The huge veg plot beconing to be filled
My new books (Herbal remedies and cookbooks)
The old dog so patient with the naughty kittens (He likes their food)
The moonlight nights and sparkling views
The vats of soup in the freezer
The endlesss possibilities tomorrow may bring.
Sharon x
This Christmas has been very relaxed, low key and inexpensive. We have decided though that on some levels we are simply going through the motions, seeing the people we always have and not looking more deeply into ourselves and noticing what each of us wants from this time of year.
Next year we have all decided to do something different and funfilled, full of energy and life, nature and laughter, so we hope to go skiing to a tiny resort two hours from here, none of us have done this before but the kids are v.keen and the idea of spending the days being out in the fresh air doing something new followed by nights cosied up together would be so magical.
We have also decided that we will now limit all pressies to one special or heartfelt gift each as the present opening at my Mum's almost left me unable to get up for paper and gifts - wonderful but I think we all went a little OTT on pressies, even though most were homemade or very cheap and cheerful.
The last few days have been full of togetherness - lots of sqaubbles, but much doing stuff side by side. Homework alongside painting. Cooking while chatting and watching playful kittens, Old films and good wine, snuggled up nights and lazy mornings. Thursday is Babo's birthday so we are off to Siena to go iceskating, but for now some pics of our Buon Natale for you to enjoy - Italy is magical in every season, but Christmas is very, very special x
Things that are so special:
The Nativity scenes in the churches which move and capture the hearts of the children
The lights in the medieval streets of the old towns
The handknitted presents from Grandma
The open fire warming hands and souls
The chestnut flour which I am experimenting with (gnochhi today)
The endless scenes of hilltops and mountains
Befane - the tradition here is that Befane comes on 6th January
My dh tackling the mound of ironing
The crazy busy markets bustling with life
The huge veg plot beconing to be filled
My new books (Herbal remedies and cookbooks)
The old dog so patient with the naughty kittens (He likes their food)
The moonlight nights and sparkling views
The vats of soup in the freezer
The endlesss possibilities tomorrow may bring.
Sharon x
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Buon Natale
My daughter is singing Italian christmas songs in the distance, my boy has started his holiday homework and I can scratch off a few more work tasks from the very long list. Family members health is improving and I have just collected my test results from the hospital so will see the Dr in the morning for his feedback and confirmed diagnosis.
I am ready to start baking and labelling presents - it is warmer here and the snow is no more. It was the wrong snow by the way, hard scary sharp stuff, burning cold and impossible to make into anything nice, it just made moving around totally dangerous and the roads were sheet ice and the nights minus 9.
I am happy now to drift into a warm Christmas fug surounded by happy faces and warm hearts. Kittens are pestering for more outside adventures so will persist in the hourly walks around the garden with them. Will curl up by the fire tonight and think of the future whatever it brings.
On solstice night we also celebrated 2 years in Italy and when I asked everyone waht they liked the most about living in Tuscany, all of us said the views from our garden including the children. The Food, the people and the weather also came up, for me, I feel at home, rested and meant to be here. I have to say I don't miss the UK as I still visit alot for work, but I do miss Italy when I am away, they say home is where the heart is and in my case that is a small hill between Siena and Florence overlooking towers and olive groves, vineyards and forests - we are so lucky, it makes the cold damp winter nights all worth it.
I am ready to start baking and labelling presents - it is warmer here and the snow is no more. It was the wrong snow by the way, hard scary sharp stuff, burning cold and impossible to make into anything nice, it just made moving around totally dangerous and the roads were sheet ice and the nights minus 9.
I am happy now to drift into a warm Christmas fug surounded by happy faces and warm hearts. Kittens are pestering for more outside adventures so will persist in the hourly walks around the garden with them. Will curl up by the fire tonight and think of the future whatever it brings.
On solstice night we also celebrated 2 years in Italy and when I asked everyone waht they liked the most about living in Tuscany, all of us said the views from our garden including the children. The Food, the people and the weather also came up, for me, I feel at home, rested and meant to be here. I have to say I don't miss the UK as I still visit alot for work, but I do miss Italy when I am away, they say home is where the heart is and in my case that is a small hill between Siena and Florence overlooking towers and olive groves, vineyards and forests - we are so lucky, it makes the cold damp winter nights all worth it.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Scaredy Cats
Finally I have given in to putting the kittens out in the snow, I wanted to wait until it had cleared as they hadn't yet been outside since they came here from Siena where they were abandoned. Anyhow, they are Tuscan Moggies and need to be out a hunting and fishing etc I am worried they may vanish as we are in the middle of nowhere but it is something I have to do so am putting them out for an hour at a time for now until after Christmas as coud not cope with forlorn children if Romulus and Remus didn't come home for Christmas.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Clearing thoughts
Today the energy has shifted in the house and I am feeling so much better. When I was really ill earlier this week a friend turned up and insisted on seeing me and putting me in touch with a homeopathic doctor in Florence so I will contact him after Christmas. Also my bloods are being done in the morning so I am progressing. So, cold yesterday minus 6 last night and set to me minus 9 tonight. We were resuced once again by the kindness of friends who drove up onto our snowy hill with a new fan belt for our old jeep, Gary will try and fix today. Yesterday the stress of this immune disorder, broken car and lack of money took hold and I felt really vulnerable. Today I am taking charge of my emotions, decisions and actions. I have been worried about unfinished work so will get this done today if I can.
Completed two soft toys a whale and a dog and a cushion for Mum, photos to follow, also managed to make sausage rolls, chocolate brownies and cheese and linseed muffins - the latter great for lunches or picnics. The winter solstice I am sure will bring fresh insight and clear direction for me and I cannot wait for a change of cycle and a breath of fresh inspiration.
Plans for today -
Make door curtains x 2
Draught excluders x 1
4 hours in the study
Tidy TT's room
Compost to plot
Feed the birds
Plans for this week - Clean the house throughout, Cards for hand delivery to freinds, Take the Christmas train around Poggibonsi, Visit the market on Tuesday for last minute foods, Midnight Mass, sit back relax and enjoy.
So Grateful for:
The very best friends
Guardian angels
My intuition (which helped us to slow down just before a horrific accident on Tuesday, I just knew something tragic was about to occur and asked my freind to slow down, minutes before a car lost control on the autostrada and flipped on its bonnet in front of us! - the woman driver looked like she would be OK and that she had been pulled from the car by her shoulders - see note on angels above
Birdsong in particular Mr Robin Redbreast
Our open fire and the warm gloves drying aside it
Our bountiful supply of sundried tomatoes adding flavour to our winter suppers
The juniper berries found in the forest and given to me as a gift
The Sweetly smelling spices on my mantle
My warm relaxed children
My ever supporting man
The endless possibilities and future sunrises and sunsets
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Immunity or a great lack of it
Well, I am so fed up, once agin the mouth ulcers, aching jaw, splitting headaches and lethargy have returned, this time with horrifying speed. My Dr has referred me to have a number of tests to try and pinpoint what immune disorder I am dealing with. He thinks it likely that I have Behcat's syndrome which is pretty bloody awful.
I have spent hours researching ways to boost my immune system and ward off flair ups of this awful illness and notice many other bloggers are also looking for ways in which to live better lives health wise. For now until the tests are evaulated I am limiting all foods to a vegan diet and cutting out all salt, sugar, caffeine and booze - wrong time of year but I have to get better. This morning my tongue was so swollen I could hardly swallow - this is v. bad and I am living off soup and veg puree and my throat is filled with ulcers as is my mouth and inner ear - yuk.
Trying to focus on goodness, wellness, abundance, resting, and building my strength both physically and mentally. Still have a heap of work and present making to get through - it may all have to wait a few days. The kids and DH are coping well with Mummy being poorly yet again, I just hate being such a killjoy as there are so many parties and fun things happening around us that I don't have the energy to cope with, most involving food and drink which I have to steer clear off - Also I sound like I have had a stroke or am pissed due the swollen tongue etc - not a good thing.
Anyhow onto brighter blessings:
I will borrow a camera for Chrsitmas and record the festivities
I am mid sewing lots of animals for stockings all looking good
Started a large heart cushion for parents bed
I Will be well for Christmas
Will make mince pies for the family this weekend
Will create a yule log
I plan to call old friends
Will enjoy the clear Tuscan air and snowy mountain views
Will loose some weight due to illness - a silver lining
I am currently reading: The Old Curiosity Shop, Bringing Up Boys, The Celestine Phrophecy and many old and lovely Christmas cookbooks
I have spent hours researching ways to boost my immune system and ward off flair ups of this awful illness and notice many other bloggers are also looking for ways in which to live better lives health wise. For now until the tests are evaulated I am limiting all foods to a vegan diet and cutting out all salt, sugar, caffeine and booze - wrong time of year but I have to get better. This morning my tongue was so swollen I could hardly swallow - this is v. bad and I am living off soup and veg puree and my throat is filled with ulcers as is my mouth and inner ear - yuk.
Trying to focus on goodness, wellness, abundance, resting, and building my strength both physically and mentally. Still have a heap of work and present making to get through - it may all have to wait a few days. The kids and DH are coping well with Mummy being poorly yet again, I just hate being such a killjoy as there are so many parties and fun things happening around us that I don't have the energy to cope with, most involving food and drink which I have to steer clear off - Also I sound like I have had a stroke or am pissed due the swollen tongue etc - not a good thing.
Anyhow onto brighter blessings:
I will borrow a camera for Chrsitmas and record the festivities
I am mid sewing lots of animals for stockings all looking good
Started a large heart cushion for parents bed
I Will be well for Christmas
Will make mince pies for the family this weekend
Will create a yule log
I plan to call old friends
Will enjoy the clear Tuscan air and snowy mountain views
Will loose some weight due to illness - a silver lining
I am currently reading: The Old Curiosity Shop, Bringing Up Boys, The Celestine Phrophecy and many old and lovely Christmas cookbooks
Behcat's Syndrome,
Chemical Sensitivity,
Immunity Disorders,
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Very grateful for the riso torte left for us by our wonderful landlord, I can't eat them but they are the boy's favourite treat. Wonderful sunkissed countryside today - clearing the air. Old Henry the jeep just keeps on running - the forest gump of cars. Angel shadows.
Inspiring Blogs
A little background - I spent 15 years as a vegi with occasional bacon splurdges when on a student night out but mostly totally vegi. In 2001 I weighed under 7 stone and felt really ill, I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease so then altered by diet to exclude all gluten and wheat related products, then I got bored and started eating meat again - fickle but true. Swiftly my weight returned to normal and my health got better but the bulge kept coming and at my heaviest I have weighed about 10.5 stone and felt bloated and lethargic (I am only 5.2ft). Now on a very rocky middle ground I weigh 9.2 and still feel horrible but alot lighter so I am intending to alter my diet as follows:
Vegan and inlcuding as much raw as possible
Limit all caffiene and booze(my downfall is red wine)
I will buy fresh meat for my family and cheeses
Switch everyone to soy/rice milk and yoghurts
Include more nuts and grains in our diet
Water, Water, fresh juices - although am sensitive to oranges
Try new recipe ideas every week
Smoothies - learn 3 staple recipes
Learn to use gluten free flours better and carob
Does anyone have any advice? I am trawling blogs for ideas and found this great one. http://glutenfreeveganfam.blogspot.com/
My intentions are to:
Feel healthier and more energetic
Make my migraines go away
Make my periods more bearable
Become calmer and more clear thinking
Get clearer skin
Improve the health of my family
Vegan and inlcuding as much raw as possible
Limit all caffiene and booze(my downfall is red wine)
I will buy fresh meat for my family and cheeses
Switch everyone to soy/rice milk and yoghurts
Include more nuts and grains in our diet
Water, Water, fresh juices - although am sensitive to oranges
Try new recipe ideas every week
Smoothies - learn 3 staple recipes
Learn to use gluten free flours better and carob
Does anyone have any advice? I am trawling blogs for ideas and found this great one. http://glutenfreeveganfam.blogspot.com/
My intentions are to:
Feel healthier and more energetic
Make my migraines go away
Make my periods more bearable
Become calmer and more clear thinking
Get clearer skin
Improve the health of my family
Thankful anyway Thursday -
It has been a long time since my last blog so prepare yourself for a rant or ten. I feel so out of balance on so many fronts, have been let down on many levels by various people and situations –too sensitive to blog about. Many plans had to change of late which caused stress on lots of levels which had a huge impact on the children and the atmosphere around us all. However, that has passed and now we are trying to start the gentle snuggle into Christmas without work and financial issues taking over.
First rant - camera still not working and can't get new one at present so muddling on with outside shots and dimly lit interiors as flash exploded marvellously on my birthday. Actually given up altogether as batteries draining all the time - boo hiss.
Unrealistic expectations, mine. I am a dreamer always have been and have always wanted to create a nurturing secure environment for myself and my family, self sufficient and welcoming, warm and loving. But when family or friends don't share my ideals I feel hurt and let down, I just wish I could accept that people will always have their own agenda and own set of beliefs - good and bad.
Outside influences - my kids are now being influenced by others in a way that I feel out of sync with. It was only to be expected as one is now 9 but still sad as what is important in life is taking 2nd place it seems, whereas shiny new things are making a real impact.
Work Ethic - I am very lucky and mostly work from home in Italy but this means I have to go to the UK at least every 6 weeks for a week at a time which means I actually spend months away from home and my loving family each year which is killing me. No matter how hard I work or no matter how hard I try it seems that I am constantly feeling under pressure to try harder - my own self esteem issues raising their ugly head again.
Finances - after years of being a freelance PR and writer I have still not mastered the art of being paid properly or on time. This and the Euro means that I battle every month to even cover basic costs such as food bills, I have had enough of this situation and it has to change dramatically. I feel a new burst of book writing on its way.
Green eyed monster - following other mamas blogs gives me so much encouragement and inspiration but it does also push the 'not good enough' button in some ways. I always feel a little envious as many of you seem to survive without working or are managing far better than I. I wish I could shift this niggling feeling and just accept that what I do is simply good enough.
ENOUGH of that -------
Now the real goodies, the wonderful soul rubbing, heart warming, melting moments of beauty in my life:

Outside influences - my kids are now being influenced by others in a way that I feel out of sync with. It was only to be expected as one is now 9 but still sad as what is important in life is taking 2nd place it seems, whereas shiny new things are making a real impact.
Green eyed monster - following other mamas blogs gives me so much encouragement and inspiration but it does also push the 'not good enough' button in some ways. I always feel a little envious as many of you seem to survive without working or are managing far better than I. I wish I could shift this niggling feeling and just accept that what I do is simply good enough.
ENOUGH of that -------
Now the real goodies, the wonderful soul rubbing, heart warming, melting moments of beauty in my life:
- Snoring hound to my left asleep on the 40 year old chair
- Dozing kittens in the kitchen with their different personalities and wonderful spirit raising energies
- Husband who boosts my enthusiasm when I am down, irons, cleans and makes bread
- The clear winter sun bursting through my window
- The hope and courage that next year brings
- The slightly charred snowmen buns that by kids don't like but the dog does
- My faith in the power of positivity and nature to overcome the hard times
- Good true friends who love me anyway
- The glorious Tuscan hills, the tiny plumes of winter bonfires and low cloud in the valley
- The tiny and chokingly pretty nativity scenes in the churches and villages
- My daughters knowledge that father Christmas’s elves never get stood on as they are way too small
- My son's determination to still believe in Father Christmas even though evidence gives doubt
- Family near and far that do have an impact on us - good and bad
- Elders who have seen much more than I and have so much to give
- The logs that will arrive on Friday - yippee
- The crisp winter days tip-toeing to Christmas which I love with all my heart
- The fact that my migraine has finally gone
- The beautiful bloggers who bring me and inbox full of happiness.

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