Thursday, December 31, 2009

Home and Garden

I have been busy today making a cooked breakfast and a salmon pie for supper for dh as today is his birthday and later we are off iceskating in Siena followed by a concert at a beautiful castle near here.  Despite the ongoing festivities my mind is elsewhere - drifting into spring, warmer days, warm breezes to dry our clothes, sunny mornings full of birdsong and promise.  In reality I need to organise my home so that I feel less stressed and can function more easily.  Drying clothes at the moment is hell with no heating and constant rain - any wise ideas?

My plans for reorganisation are:

Structure my week and have set hours for each work project with deadlines that I keep (I am a PR and writer)
Sort out the kids room and get some better storage - baskets and boxes
Sort our towels and beddings into manageable heaps - no idea how other Mum's stay on top of this one
Have a weekly me night where I do girly twirly things like nails (rubbish at this one - always look like a gardener)
Wood pile - collect kindling and wood on daily dog walks
Get seeds in pots in readiness for the plot
Design the veg plot better as watering was hell last year
The office - agggggghhhh, somehow get some simple orderly systems in place
Painting - the whole house needs a lick of paint especially the bathroom and kids room
Books - ask dh to make some books shelves as we are looking like 'Black Books' at the moment
Cleaning - set up some kind of weekly system as I always feel so glum when we have tumbleweeds of dog hair rolling through the house
Time for us - make time once a month for just the two of us to wind down
Smell the roses - make myself stop and stare and take in the air
Enjoy the good and the bad the happy and the sad.....

Any advice on housekeeping most welcome as generally I dream of having an orderly home but have yet to find out how..  I love my life full of childrens laughter and animals and nature but sometimes a little structure might come in handy...

The kids are looking forward to TT's 5th birthday on Tuesday and the Befana celebrations on the 6th...... (infor from the web) Befana La Festa dell'Epifania (Epiphany - the 12th Night of Christmas) 6 January 2009. This festival is almost more popular among Italian children than Christmas itself. La Befana is a character in Italian folklore, similar to Santa Claus, who visits all the children of Italy on the eve of 6 January to fill their socks with sweets if they are good or a lump of coal if they are bad. The family typically leaves a small glass of wine and a plate with a few local specialities for Befana. During the day, many children dress up as Befana and visit the neighbourhood in the hope of receiving a small gift of money or sweets. Some of the costumes are astonishingly good and should be suitably rewarded. A popular market, the Fiera della Befana, takes place each year between Christmas and the Epiphany in Piazza Navona in the centre of Rome, where toys, sugar charcoal and candies are sold for the Roman children. In the areas north of Lucca, groups of singers still go door to door singing befanate.

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