Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The way things are

Sometimes it is important to remember we simply cannot control every element of our lives.  I have always tried to be on top of work, the home, the kids the garden, money etc, sometimes failing terribly but often keeping going on a slightly wonky even keel, but now when a health problem appears and takes over a huge amount of your energy it seems a clear sign to take a step back and just go with the flow.

This Christmas has been very relaxed, low key and inexpensive.  We have decided though that on some levels we are simply going through the motions, seeing the people we always have and not looking more deeply into ourselves and noticing what each of us wants from this time of year.

Next year we have all decided to do something different and funfilled, full of energy and life, nature and laughter, so we hope to go skiing to a tiny resort two hours from here, none of us have done this before but the kids are v.keen and the idea of spending the days being out in the fresh air doing something new followed by nights cosied up together would be so magical.

We have also decided that we will now limit all pressies to one special or heartfelt gift each as the present opening at my Mum's almost left me unable to get up for paper and gifts - wonderful but I think we all went a little OTT on pressies, even though most were homemade or very cheap and cheerful.

I have always loved this time of year, but I feel a little different this year, maybe because I am not in peak health, but I already yearn for the spring bulbs, the light mornings and the balmy evenings, the daffodils are in progress here and the tiny bulbs are poking through the earth but the veggi patch is devoid of life..........must make a start.

The last few days have been full of togetherness - lots of sqaubbles, but much doing stuff side by side.  Homework alongside painting. Cooking while chatting and watching playful kittens, Old films and good wine, snuggled up nights and lazy mornings.  Thursday is Babo's birthday so we are off to Siena to go iceskating, but for now some pics of our Buon Natale for you to enjoy - Italy is magical in every season, but Christmas is very, very special x

Things that are so special:

The Nativity scenes in the churches which move and capture the hearts of the children
The lights in the medieval streets of the old towns
The handknitted presents from Grandma
The open fire warming hands and souls
The chestnut flour which I am experimenting with (gnochhi today)
The endless scenes of hilltops and mountains
Befane - the tradition here is that Befane comes on 6th January
My dh tackling the mound of ironing
The crazy busy markets bustling with life
The huge veg plot beconing to be filled
My new books (Herbal remedies and cookbooks)
The old dog so patient with the naughty kittens (He likes their food)
The moonlight nights and sparkling views
The vats of soup in the freezer
The endlesss possibilities tomorrow may bring.

Sharon x

1 comment:

  1. There' nothing like over-ding anything to make one desire simplicity. I hope that 2010 brings health, healing, energy, peace, and simple joys.
